Ian Ronald Edwards
Age: 30
Date of Death: January 20, 2024
Miami, FL
Decidiste dormir en pleno mediodía porque quizás sentías que el transitar la vida te cortaba las alas para volar bien alto. Decidiste surcar el cielo hacia tu estrella dejando en tu partida un hueco doloroso. Pero nada fue en vano compartimos la ruta, alegría, dolores, amores y fracasos. Nos permitió el destino tenerte entre nosotros. Y no podrás partir definitivamente. Porque será el recuerdo de tu presencia viva una flor perfumada desde ahora hasta siempre. --- Your father Henry, your mother Cecilia, your sibling Aylen, your uncle Diego, your grandmother Lilian, William and Conchita, your friend Alex, your friends of friends, your neighbors, everyone: We all miss you. We will always miss you. You left us too early, but we are grateful that you were with us and shared with us all of you. Your smile, your laughter, your humor, your everything, you were a beautiful human being. No matter what you always had something to say and it always left a mark in all of us. Don't ever forget that we love you. We always have and we always will.